HIS School partners with the Littlest Lamb Institute to help support, love and encourage those working with children who are being cared for in the LAMB Institute’s children’s home and school. LAMB Institute’s mission: LAMB (US) acts in partnership with LAMB (Honduras) to accomplish their mission of sharing the hope found in Christ Jesus as they care for, educate, protect, and empower those suffering extreme poverty, abuse, and exploitation in Honduras. We exist to give glory to God by sharing what He is doing through His servants in Honduras, by praying with and for them, by providing financial resources and oversight, and by extending opportunities for churches and individuals to join in His work.
HIS Schoolers participate in a FunRun fundraiser during the months of February and March to earn money to send to our sister school in Tegucigalpa. We use this as an opportunity to give out to our world and have a direct impact on children who have great needs to be met.